Problem with commodity contract execution?
About to conclude a commodity trade contract and need it polished?
Need a GAFTA or FOSFA arbitrator?
Contractual counter party about to default on you?
Contractual counter party defaulted on you? What now?
Need to evalute your chances to win a trading dispute?
Not sure how to defend against arbitration proceedings?
Currently involved in GAFTA or FOSFA proceedings and need assistance?
Need independent expert opinion regarding a dispute issue?
Contractual counter party has not paid you? Not sure what to do?
About to charter a vessel and need assistance?
Need assistance going into arbitration, legal proceedings or litigation?
Lost the first tier of GAFTA or FOSFA arbitration?
Need mediation with counter party gone silent?
Need a trade representative to defend your case in Gafta proceedings?
Contractual counter party behaving strangely? Need to act but not sure how?

About Dragan

Following his departure from diplomatic service as Counselor for economic affairs at the Yugoslav Mission to the United Nations in Geneva and representative of the Yugoslav Federal Chamber of Commerce in 1988, Dragan has made his career in international commodity trading.

Working for various companies, such as Foodline and Chemoil Group, Romak, Webcor, PEG and, more recently, Gavilon and Mocoh in Geneva and now again PE Group, Antwerp, Dragan has traded and was involved in business with various commodities, mostly grains, oilseeds, sugar as well as petroleum products, fertilizers and chemicals in all parts of the world. His drive for contractual perfection and passion for dispute resolution and management helped him become an operational risk management expert.

Numerous GAFTA and FOSFA arbitrations and litigations within various jurisdictions, most of them in the capacity of claimant lie behind Dragan's decision to become arbitrator and consultant in operational risk management and dispute resolution.

Trained in economics and international trade with long-term experience in trade, shipping and finance coupled with acquired related legal expertise, Dragan is providing cost effective advice and assistance to the players in the commodity trade industry. Acting as your appointed arbitrator, consultant or trade representative, Dragan will contribute to your smooth sailing through rough commodity trade waters.

Apart from assisting you in your current issues, Dragan will gladly participate in your training programs bringing in live expertise from the on-the-ground trading world as lecturer or participant in thematic workshops.

Dragan is a GAFTA and FOSFA Qualified Arbitrator and a member of CIArb.

Our expertise covers operational risk, prevention and dispute management. Contact us to discuss it.

Dragomir "Dragan" Perc regularly assists clients in operational risk management as well as prevention and management of disputes under GAFTA, FOSFA and other legal frameworks.

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